
A little bit about us…

We are five mums, just like you, who are on the journey of parenthood- winging it most days- learning and helping each other as we go along.

Just like you, we’re a busy lot. We endeavor to balance family life, work life and lack of sleep as well as taking on roles we never even trained for like, taxi driver, nurse, peace administrator and Chief Social Events Coordinator. So aside from trying to make everyone happy at the dinner table (3 different meals a night? Really?), we get a real thrill when we tuck ourselves into bed at night knowing we’ve done our best to keep our kids entertained, engaged, stimulated and happy.

But, we’re not perfect. We’re not always on time, we’re forever losing permission slips for school excursions, water bottles and hats while we try our best to appear graceful as we try to balance it all.

There could be another 10 hours in a day and we’d still fill it with things to do. That’s why between us, we always share updates and information we find during our busy days. If we find a cool new kid-friendly café or there’s a new playground somewhere, we’re sure to let our friends know so we can make our respective social events roles seamless!

This is how QiDZ came about. Why not help all the mums and caregivers out there so we’re all in the know? Better still, let’s make it so we all share the updates and changes we find about town! All the hidden gems we all know about are there for everyone to enjoy.

QiDZ is a way to find, share and update information on everything going on for kids in Dubai. It’s there to make life easier, help you plan and inspire you to have even more fun with your kids!

Looking forward to you joining the fun with us,

Ines, Claudia, Simona, Nourhan and Therese